اريد ماكينة تصوير من غير ليزر. أفضل طرق إزالة شعر الجسم + أفضل أمواس الحلاقة + ريفيو ماكينة , اريد شراء ماكنة استخلاص .
view moreAug 08, 2013· Learn how to check variable types and names and produce summaries in R. You will learn the "$", "attach" , "detach" , "class", "levels", "summary", and "as.factor ...
view moreJan 15, 2016· Big shout out to dmla for the audio, I edited it a bit.
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view moreThe flexure mechanism used in these translation stages is a frictionless mechanism that has improved positioning and resolution when compared to similar stages made using bearings. The translation of the stage is accomplished by the elastic deformation (flexing) of a linkage attached to the mounting platform.
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